Focus when you need it the most. Obtain clarity to study, work, and carpe diem everyday.
Don't let yesterday's workout affect you today. Recover quickly with our special blend of BCAAs.
With Glucosamine and Chondroitin in every scoop, give your joints some love, too.
Well-balanced energy to keep you going without the calories or jitters.
Other pre-workout mixes and energy drinks have been known to leave consumers with a weird, uncomfortable tingling or burning sensation. Breakthroughs in this formula decrease the possibility of experiencing those sensations and reduce jitters.
While GRIND contains all the important elements to help push you at the gym, it is not made to "bulk" you up. GRIND provides energy without the calories. GRIND can be used to supplement weight loss by increasing metabolism and replacing expensive, fattening coffee drinks.
Need to meet a deadline? Studying for a big test? Studies show, more than ever, people are leaning on dangerous prescription drugs, gas station energy pills and shots, as well as illegal substances to increase their focus, energy, and mental stability. Steer clear of the danger and use GRIND to keep you focused, clear, and ready to go.
GRIND was made by a surgeon-physician MD team to have an alternative in the market that removes the bad supplements known to cause side effects such as bleeding, flushing, and a host of other underreported side effects.
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